Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Looking At The Mirror

At the beginning, I thought that this exercise is not going to be as I thought it would be earlier. I thought that this exercise will be easy, because what's there to look at? I mean, I know what my face looks like, but when I looked at myself I have noticed things that I didn’t notice before. I noticed the way the shadows fall on my face, and that was the first time that I have seen this. I mean I saw shadows before, but not the way I saw it on my face today.

I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what I would look like if my eyes were not as small as they are, or what would I look like if my nose was different. I was trying to prevent myself from thinking about all the things that I hate about myself, but it was very hard. I have noticed that I really hate my nose, ears and eyes, that I would like my hair to be darker than it is now, and that I hate my skin texture.

I was also wondering what I would look like if I had these really pretty eyes, like all the girls have on TV. I mean, the girls on TV always look so pretty, and looking at myself for 15 minutes, didn’t really help me feeling good with myself. I guess the media does impact our self confidence. Once I saw this film where one girl said that all the commercials with all the pretty girls make her feel so bad about herself, and I just couldn’t understand why does she let TV impact the way she feels about herself. I mean it is pretty obvious that the girls on TV don’t look so pretty in real life. Then why bothering making yourself feeling bad just because you are not blonde?

1 comment:

  1. HI Efrat,

    I thought this was an interesting assignment. Even I have trouble with this assignment. My pores start to look like craters, I see the fine lines, my small eyes, the starting of sundamage on my skin.... You try to banish these thoughts, but they keep coming back. Why? Becasue even with a moderately healthy self-esteem, and knowing better, we have still been programmed for the majority of our lives to see the FLAWS. This is how the media cripples girls, in particular.

    Ms. B
